

A two-level Professional certificate training in Emotional Intelligence is provided provided by Dr. John Pellitteri, President of the International Society of Emotional Intelligence, New York, USA and Dr. Antonina Kardasheva, Founder ana CEO of Foundation for Developing Emotional Intelligence, National coordinator of ISEI for Bulgaria.

The certificate workshop program is adapted at APA ethical and professional standards. The program will provide participants empirically-based knowledge of emotional intelligence, effective strategies & skills in EI-based interventions, and personal growth through experiential lab training in emotional awareness. The training is for professionals in the fields of:

  • education and learning specialties
  • mental health /counseling /therapy
  • organizational consultation/coaching/management.
  • business management /leadership/human relations

Certificates will enable participants to apply EI interventions in their respective disciplines and work settings.  The workshops are designed for those with basic and advanced knowledge in emotional intelligence and will teach concepts and strategies that can be applied to multiple areas of practice.  Participants will have the opportunity to develop their own emotional intelligence as part of the training process as they learn to use EI strategies effectively in their work.


Emotional Intelligence Foundations (6 Hours)

  • History, development and current issues of EI

This class will provide an overview and address current issues in EI. It will give a framework for understanding the components of emotions, review the history and evolution of the major models (abilities, traits & competencies). Current challenges with conceptualization and measurement will be reviewed.

  • (B) Developing EI abilities

This experiential lab class is designed to explore each of the four areas of the abilities model of EI. Participants will engage in experiential activities aimed to teach and to develop (a) emotional perception (b) emotional facilitation of thinking (c) emotional knowledge and (d) regulation of emotions. Development of these abilities will serve as a foundation for personal growth as well as for implementing EI strategies in professional settings.


Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Interventions (12 in-class hours plus 3 pre/post class hours)

  • (C) Lab in emotional awareness training 1

The experiential lab activities will involve interactive and interpersonal activities on both days of the level 2 workshop aimed to develop each participants’ EI. Personal reactions and emotional states will be examined during the activities for the purpose of practicing emotional perception, understanding characteristics of emotions function, and applications for using emotional information in professional practice.

  • (D) EI Assessment methods for individuals and environments

This section of the workshop will address the use of EI assessment methods as applied to individuals and environments. There will be a review and discussion of assessment principles in general and EI assessment in particular. Participants will be administered assessments (prior to the class) and learn to score and interpret the measures in the workshop.  In becoming familiar with the major EI assessment tools participants can begin to incorporate an emotional lens to their evaluation procedures.  [The workshop does not provide certification to use the MSCEIT.  This test would require additional specialized training]

  • (E)  Lab in emotional awareness training 2

This section is in conjunction with section D (Assessment) and will use the participants results on the pre-workshop measures as a basis for continued self-development.  Participants will identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in expanding their own EI capacities.

  • (F)  EI Strategies (General & discipline-specific)

This section covers general principles and strategies of using EI-based interventions in professional settings. Participants, through smaller group formats, will learn and develop specific strategies applicable to their own type of setting (educational, clinical, organizational, business). Case studies will be used and participants will analyze scenarios in order to apply assessment and strategies learned from previous sections.

  • (G) Developing and implementing an EI Intervention plan

Participants will work with instructors individually and in small groups to each develop a specific intervention plan for their discipline (education, clinical, or consultation -organizational). Plans will be aimed at facilitating positive changes using EI principles and will be a basis for integration into discipline-specific applications.


When the certificate workshop includes a specific group, then relevant issues, lectures, case studies and activities can be adjusted to meet the particular needs of the group.   For business groups, like any other group, there will be a general attention on establishing and maintaining overall emotional health as well as mood management and stress reduction skills for any situation.  More business-specific strategies will include:

  1. establishing rapport as part of client relationships and client satisfaction
  2. addressing clients with difficult emotions (i.e. annoyed, aggressive, resistant, demanding)
  3. problem-solving, emotional resolutions of conflicts
  4. addressing salesperson’s emotions regarding insufficient number of new clients or lost clients
  5. examining emotions and motivation
  6. improving relationships with co-workers and managers
  7. manager and leaders’ application of EI skills

Case studies, problem-solving exercises and role play activities will focus on typical and problematic types of interpersonal interactions between salespersons, clients, co-workers and managers in various business contexts.