David R Caruso, PhD

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David R Caruso, PhD.

Senior advisor at Yale College, co-founder of the Emotional Intelligence Skills Group, and a partner at Accordant Advisors.

David is the senior advisor at Yale College, co-founder of the Emotional Intelligence Skills Group, and a partner at Accordant Advisors. After earning his Ph.D. in Psychology from Case Western Reserve University he was a postdoctoral fellow in Psychology at Yale. He conducts research and training on emotional intelligence and has more than 60 publications including peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. He is a co-author of the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, The Emotionally Intelligent Manager (Caruso & Salovey) and of The Leader’s Guide to Solving Challenges with Emotional Intelligence (Caruso & Rees). He has presented and lectured around the world and has found the ability model of EI “translates” well and can be readily applied in many different contexts.