Ivanka Mavrodieva, PhD and Dr. Hab.

Ivanka Mavrodieva, PhD and Dr. Hab.

Ivanka Mavrodieva, PhD and Dr. Hab., is a lecturer on rhetoric, business communication, public relations and academic writing at Sofia University. The topic of her PhD dissertation is ‘Parliamentary Rhetoric’. She is an author of 12 books presenting scientific information in new and traditional spheres recovered by the researcher: “Parliamentary Rhetoric in Bulgaria” (2001), „Job Selection Interview” (2002), „How to Present Effectively?” (2007), „Virtual Rhetoric: from Journals to Online Social Media” (2010), „Academic Writing” (2005); „Academic Communication” (2010) – co-author is Yovka Tisheva. Mavrodieva is an author of 120 articles too and a complier of two collections and one chrestomathy: „Contemporary Rhetorical Practices” (2010), „Patterns of Modern Oratory” (2010),  „Communications in Virtual Environment” (2010). She is a member of the Executive Board of Rhetoric Society of Europe – second mandate since 2013.  Mavrodieva is MA on Bulgarian Philology and Public Relations, she has specialization on Rhetoric. Mavrodieva is a lecture, blogger and trainer who accept rhetoric as an ancient and vital science, communication as practices in business and Web 2.0. www.mavrodieva.blogspot.com, www.mavrodieva.wordpress.com