Prof. Valentin Vasilev, Ph.D.
Professor” of “National Security” (“Crisis Situations and Human Resource Management”) at the Higher School of Security and Economics /HSSE/, city of Plovdiv
Valentin Vasilev is a “professor” of “National Security” (“Crisis Situations and Human Resource Management”) at the Higher School of Security and Economics /HSSE/, city of Plovdiv and head of the “Center for Leadership and Public Policies” at the same educational institution.
In the period from 2000 to 2021, he was part of the South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, being the deputy dean of the Faculty of Law and History from 2010 to 2019, as well as the head of the “National Security and Public Administration” department/2018/. At the university, he went through all the academic positions – assistant, senior assistant, chief assistant, associate professor. In 2006, he successfully defended his dissertation work before the Higher Attestation Commission, and in 2010, with the decision of the same commission, he qualified as an “associate professor”.
He is the author of more than a hundred publications in scientific publications in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as seven monographic publications in the field of human resources management, crisis situations; the team form of work; motivation and organizational behavior; public management and public policies and others.
Professor Vasilev has extensive practical experience in the public sector, such as: Deputy Mayor of Blagoevgrad Municipality /2007-2010/; Public Mediator /Ombudsman/ of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad /2018-2021/; expert in project implementation in more than twenty municipal administrations; member of the scientific advisory board and lecturer at the Institute of Public Administration /IPA/; project evaluator at the Ministry of Youth and Sports and “Scientific Research Fund” at the Ministry of Education and Science.
His professional expertise is in administration, human resource management and development, and crisis management.
The scientific fields in which he works are: Management and development of human resources, Management of crisis situations; Management and leadership technologies, Modern motivational techniques, Organizational behavior, Local public policies, Public management; Working with local stakeholders, Leadership and emotional intelligence; Teams and team effectiveness; Sustainable Development and Public Administration; Corporate social responsibility; Strategic management; Smart technologies in management and others.
Member of the editorial boards of the scientific publications: “Politics and Security”; Global Scientific Journals (GSJ); “International Journal of Social and Scientific Research” /IJSSER/; “Cosmos an International Journal of Art and Higher Education”; $Qubahan Academic Journal$ (QAJ); “COSMOS An International Journal of Management”.
Certified expert in “Emotional Intelligence” by “International Society for Emotional Intelligence” and “Foundation for Developing Emotional Intelligence”.
Co-author and participant in the only international study on “Sustainable Human Resources Management”, conducted in 2022 under the auspices of the “SGH Warsaw School of Economics” in Poland, with the participation of more than 50 countries.
Co-author with PhD student Monika Icheva of a model for employee motivation “Motivation 4.0″/2022/, a practical tool for analyzing employee motivation and developing a motivation profile and individually targeted idea projects to improve motivation processes in organizations. The model is successfully applied in public institutions and has been published and presented in authoritative publications and forums at home and abroad.